Hi! Monster_La here.
This is my space, uhmm sorry... I MEAN my little world :D
Here I share some art stuff of mine and maybe a little things about me (daily life, photos, random post, etc)

Me my self want to make this space as my ART BLOG ^^
not sure when it 'll be completed but.. yeah! just started and be Happy!

Regards, Monster_LA :)

Rabu, 12 September 2012

Time to share... MY PHOTOGRAPH! x)

Well, this is an artblog..

" Aarrttblogg... !"

(>>readers: So where is the "art", btw?!)

and because of that in this second-post I'd rather shares my *unfortunately* so amateurs photoghraph hehe! ^^ (dont worry about the continuation of my first post.. I'd love to continue the story.. when I have an Idea :DDDDD )

I know maybe it's not that good to be called as an "art" but.. hey.. Everyone starts as a beginners isn'it?
So then.. here it is.. :)

(all of the image are copyrighted, you cannot use it without my permits, adding watermark just cost my time

Photographs theme:

What it's like.. to be growth alone? "you must continue to live since u're the only hope"

 I lived in the wrong era.

Walk on yourself, it's still too far

I know, yet u're strong sometimes you whispered.."Please, come to talk with me.."

..."I envy you"

There it's Monster_LA would be love to hear ur comments!

Regards, LA

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